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Morag Lloyds


Morag Lloyds is a landscape painter living at the edge of the Trossachs National Park and in normal times spending much of the summer exploring the western Isles.

What inspires Morag's work the most is the things that she loves, and in these times she is even more aware of just how much they mean to her and her need to be surrounded by them or to be able to reach them in some way. Morag feels that these times are showing us what really matters, the simple things... yes we need to eat and we need to pay the bills, but alongside this we also need food for the soul... we all NEED nature.

So for Morag it's all about the Islands, the sea, the nature, the remote places, the landscape and her secrets and the stories of our ancestors gone before, which are very much tied together. If she looks at the landscape and sees a ruined croft she is inspired to think about the people who lived there what their lives were like and the tell tell signs of the life they had that is left behind in the landscape. She tries to imagine the conversations and the hardships and has so much respect for our ancestors as they had a tough life.

Through her artwork Morag tries to make a connection with the child in you, the historian in you, the romantic in you, or the recluse in you.

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